Dec 24, 2009

the first step ...

The Gaza Freedom March is one link in the chain of non-violent resistance to Israel’s disregard for international law. It seeks to further call on the conscience of people to support this non-violent campaign which includes among others call for sanctions and divestments as well as boycotts. The march draws inspiration from the Palestinian people and their continued non-violent resistance; International freedom fighters such as Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Ghandi; and the actions and dedication of volunteers and aid organisations to name but a few. This march aims to pressurise Israel by siding with the enforcement of international law and the upholding of basic human rights.

The International Coalition to End the Illegal Siege of Gaza formed after Israel's 22-day assault on Gaza in winter 2008-09.We are a diverse coalition that represents all faiths (and no faith) and is focused on human rights in conformance with international law.

To mark the fact that is has been one year since the Israeli attack, the coalition is mobilizing an international contingent for a nonviolent march alongside the people of Gaza on Dec. 31, to end the illegal blockade.

The coalition conceives this march as part of a broader strategy to end the Israeli occupation by targeting nonviolently its flagrant violations of international law from the house demolitions and settlements to the curfews and torture.

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